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Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned: A Detailed Guide to the Classic Cocktail

Embark on a journey to discover the captivating world of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. This timeless cocktail, made with Suntory whiskey, has been enchanting whiskey enthusiasts for generations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the origins, ingredients, preparation, and tips to elevate your home bartending skills. Get ready to indulge in the rich flavors and history of this iconic drink.

The History of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned

"The Old Fashioned is one of the oldest recorded cocktail recipes, with a history dating back to the late 1800s."

The Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned has a fascinating history that adds to its allure. Starting as a simple combination of whiskey, sugar, water, and bitters, this cocktail has undergone various transformations over time. From its humble beginnings in the nineteenth century to its resurgence in popularity today, the Old Fashioned has stood the test of time. Discover the key milestones that have shaped this iconic drink, from the birth of cocktails to the rise of whiskey culture.

The Birth of Cocktails

In the early days of cocktails, bartenders used to mix spirits with sugar, water, and bitters to create refreshing concoctions. The Old Fashioned is believed to be a direct descendant of these original cocktails, which were often enjoyed as a morning pick-me-up or a post-dinner digestif. As the cocktail culture flourished, the Old Fashioned gained recognition as a classic cocktail and became a staple in bars around the world.

The Evolution of The Old Fashioned

Over the years, the Old Fashioned has seen various adaptations, but the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned remains true to its roots. In the early days, whiskey was the spirit of choice for this cocktail, and it has continued to be the preferred base to this day. However, the choice of whiskey has evolved, with Suntory whiskey emerging as a prominent option for those seeking a unique and exquisite Old Fashioned experience.

Suntory whiskey, a renowned Japanese whiskey brand, brings its own distinct character to the cocktail. Crafted with precision and artistry, Suntory whiskey is known for its smoothness, complexity, and exceptional flavor profile. By using Suntory whiskey in your Old Fashioned, you elevate the cocktail to new heights and unlock a world of flavors.

The Ingredients and Tools You'll Need

"Discover the essential ingredients and tools required to create the perfect Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

Before diving into the art of preparing the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, it's essential to gather the necessary ingredients and tools. Each component plays a crucial role in achieving the ideal balance of flavors and ensuring a memorable drinking experience. Let's explore the key ingredients and tools you'll need to create a masterpiece in a glass.

Suntory Whiskey

At the heart of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned lies the star of the show: Suntory whiskey. This Japanese whiskey brand offers a range of expressions, each with its own unique characteristics. Whether you opt for the smooth and delicate Suntory Toki or the rich and robust Suntory Hibiki, your choice of Suntory whiskey will greatly influence the flavor profile of your cocktail. Experiment with different expressions to find your perfect match.


The sweetness in the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned comes from sugar. While the traditional recipe calls for a sugar cube, you can also use simple syrup for a quicker and more consistent result. Simple syrup is made by dissolving equal parts sugar and water, creating a sweetener that blends seamlessly into the cocktail. Consider experimenting with flavored syrups to add an extra layer of complexity to your Old Fashioned.


Bitters are an essential ingredient that adds depth and complexity to the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Angostura bitters, with their signature herbal notes and hints of citrus, are a classic choice. However, feel free to explore other bitters varieties and flavors to personalize your cocktail. Orange bitters, for example, can bring a vibrant citrus twist, while aromatic bitters can complement the richness of Suntory whiskey.


Water plays a crucial role in diluting the cocktail and balancing its flavors. When adding water to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, consider using chilled or filtered water to enhance the overall drinking experience. The right amount of water will help open up the aromas and flavors of the whiskey, creating a harmonious blend of ingredients.


A muddler is a bartending tool used to extract the flavors from ingredients such as sugar and fruit. In the case of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, a muddler is essential for releasing the flavors of the sugar and bitters, allowing them to meld with the whiskey. When choosing a muddler, opt for one made of sturdy material, such as wood or stainless steel, to ensure optimal performance.

Mixing Glass and Bar Spoon

A mixing glass and a bar spoon are indispensable in crafting the perfect Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The mixing glass provides ample space for gently stirring the ingredients, allowing them to blend harmoniously. A long-handled bar spoon, on the other hand, enables precise stirring and ensures the cocktail is thoroughly mixed. Look for a mixing glass with a wide mouth and a bar spoon with a twisted handle for better control.


Once your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned is perfectly mixed, a strainer comes into play to separate the liquid from any solids or ice. A Hawthorne strainer, with its spring-loaded design and tight fit, is ideal for this purpose. It effectively filters out any unwanted bits, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.

Garnish and Glassware

Finally, don't forget the garnish and glassware to complete the presentation of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. A classic garnish for this cocktail is a twist of orange peel, which adds a touch of aromatic citrus. As for glassware, an Old Fashioned glass, also known as a rocks glass, is the traditional choice. Its wide rim and sturdy base make it perfect for savoring the flavors of the cocktail.

Choosing the Right Suntory Whiskey

"Not all whiskeys are created equal, and selecting the right one can greatly enhance your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

Suntory whiskey offers a diverse range of expressions, each with its own unique flavor profile and characteristics. When crafting the perfect Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, selecting the right expression is crucial. Each Suntory whiskey variety brings something special to the cocktail, elevating its taste and adding a distinct touch. Let's explore the different types of Suntory whiskey available and discover which one best suits your preferences.

Suntory Toki

Suntory Toki is a blended whiskey that serves as an excellent entry point for those new to Japanese whiskey. It offers a delicate and smooth flavor profile, making it an ideal choice for a lighter and more refreshing Old Fashioned. With notes of green apple, vanilla, and honey, Suntory Toki brings a subtle sweetness that harmonizes beautifully with the other ingredients.

Suntory Hibiki

Suntory Hibiki is a premium blended whiskey known for its exceptional craftsmanship and complexity. This expression features a wide range of flavors, including floral notes, dried fruit, and a hint of spice. Using Suntory Hibiki in your Old Fashioned adds a layer of depth and richness, creating a truly luxurious drinking experience.

Suntory Yamazaki

Suntory Yamazaki is a single malt whiskey renowned for its elegance and balance. This expression often exhibits notes of citrus, vanilla, and oak, which can elevate the flavor profile of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The smoothness and depth of Suntory Yamazaki make it an excellent choice for those seeking a refined and sophisticated cocktail.

Suntory Hakushu

Suntory Hakushu is a single malt whiskey that offers a unique twist to the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. With its fresh and vibrant character, Suntory Hakushu brings flavors of green apple, mint, and forest herbs. This expression adds a refreshing and invigorating element to the cocktail, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a touch of zest.

Experimenting with Suntory Whiskey

While the aforementioned varieties are popular choices, don't hesitate to explore other expressions within the Suntory whiskey range. Each has its own distinct flavor profile that can add depth and complexity to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Whether you prefer the smoothness of Suntory Chita or the boldness of Suntory Yamazaki 12 Year Old, there is a Suntory whiskey waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.

The Art of Muddling

"Master the art of muddling to unlock the full flavors of theingredients in your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

Muddling is a crucial step in the preparation of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, as it allows you to release the flavors and aromas of the ingredients. By gently crushing the sugar and bitters together, you create a foundation of flavors that will beautifully complement the Suntory whiskey. Let's dive into the art of muddling and discover the techniques and tips to perfect this essential step.

The Technique of Muddling

When muddling for your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, it's important to approach the process with finesse and precision. Follow these steps to ensure you extract the maximum flavor from your ingredients:

  1. Place the sugar cube and bitters in the bottom of your mixing glass.
  2. Using a muddler, gently press down on the sugar cube, applying light pressure to break it apart. Be careful not to crush it completely.
  3. With a twisting motion, muddle the sugar cube and bitters together, allowing them to combine and dissolve.
  4. Continue gently pressing and twisting until the sugar is mostly dissolved and the mixture takes on a syrup-like consistency.

It's important not to rush the muddling process. Take your time, allowing the flavors to infuse and meld together. The goal is to extract the essence of the sugar and bitters without overpowering the cocktail with excessive bitterness.

Muddling Tips and Tricks

While the basic technique of muddling remains the same, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you enhance the muddling process and elevate the flavors of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned:

Use a Wooden Muddler

When it comes to muddlers, wooden ones are often preferred for their gentle yet effective muddling action. The natural texture of wood allows for better control and prevents excessive force, which could lead to over-muddling and bitterness. Opt for a muddler made of sturdy hardwood, such as beech or maple, for optimal results.

Be Mindful of Pressure

When muddling, it's crucial to apply just enough pressure to release the flavors without pulverizing the ingredients. Over-muddling can extract unwanted bitterness from the citrus oils in the rind or create a thick, syrupy consistency that overwhelms the cocktail. Keep a light touch and let the natural oils and flavors come through gently.

Experiment with Ingredient Placement

While the traditional method calls for muddling the sugar and bitters together, you can also experiment with muddling the sugar first and then adding the bitters. This alternative approach allows you to control the intensity of the bitters' flavors and customize the cocktail to your taste preferences. Give both techniques a try and see which one you prefer.

Add Fruit for Extra Flavor

If you want to take your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned to the next level, consider adding fresh fruits to the muddling process. Citrus fruits, such as orange or lemon slices, can infuse your cocktail with vibrant flavors and a subtle tanginess. Gently muddle the fruit along with the sugar and bitters to extract their juices and essence, creating a unique twist on the classic recipe.

The Perfect Sweetness Level

"Finding the ideal balance of sweetness is key to creating a harmonious Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

The sweetness level in your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned is a critical factor that can make or break the cocktail. Achieving the perfect balance ensures that the sweetness complements the rich flavors of the Suntory whiskey without overpowering them. Let's dive into the factors that contribute to the sweetness level and explore techniques to adjust it to your preference.

The Role of Sugar

Sugar is the primary source of sweetness in the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The traditional recipe calls for a sugar cube, which gradually dissolves as you muddle it with the bitters. The amount of sugar used directly impacts the sweetness level of the cocktail. While the classic recipe suggests one sugar cube, you can adjust this to suit your taste preferences.

Using Simple Syrup

For a more consistent and quick result, many bartenders opt for simple syrup instead of sugar cubes. Simple syrup is a mixture of equal parts sugar and water, dissolved together to create a sweetener that seamlessly incorporates into the cocktail. Using simple syrup allows for precise control over the sweetness level, as you can add it gradually and taste as you go.

Adjusting the Sweetness

The beauty of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned is its adaptability to individual preferences. Adjusting the sweetness level is a personal choice that allows you to tailor the cocktail to your liking. Here are a few techniques to consider:

Adding or Reducing Sugar

If you find your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned too sweet or not sweet enough, you can easily adjust the sugar content. Add an additional sugar cube or a small amount of simple syrup to increase the sweetness. Conversely, if you prefer a less sweet cocktail, reduce the amount of sugar or eliminate it altogether.

Balancing with Bitters

Bitters play a crucial role in balancing the sweetness of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. If you find the cocktail too sweet, consider adding a few extra dashes of bitters to counterbalance the sweetness. Angostura bitters, with their herbal and citrus notes, work particularly well for this purpose. Experiment with different bitters flavors to find the ideal balance for your palate.

Using Citrus Zest

An alternative way to adjust the sweetness level is by incorporating citrus zest. The oils found in the zest of oranges, lemons, or grapefruits can bring a subtle bitterness that counteracts excessive sweetness. Express the oils from the zest over the cocktail and gently rub it along the rim of the glass to add a touch of aroma and complexity.

Experimenting with Flavored Syrups

If you're feeling adventurous, consider experimenting with flavored syrups to add a unique twist to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Flavored syrups, such as cinnamon, vanilla, or ginger, can introduce new dimensions of sweetness and complexity to the cocktail. Start by adding a small amount and adjust to your taste, ensuring that the flavors harmonize with the Suntory whiskey.

The Right Glassware and Ice

"Choosing the appropriate glassware and ice can greatly enhance the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned experience."

Presentation and temperature play vital roles in the overall enjoyment of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Selecting the right glassware and using the appropriate ice can elevate the visual appeal and enhance the flavors of the cocktail. Let's explore the importance of glassware and the impact of ice on your drinking experience.

Glassware Choices

The choice of glassware for your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned can influence the presentation and the overall drinking experience. The traditional glassware option for this cocktail is an Old Fashioned glass, also known as a rocks glass. These short, wide glasses with a sturdy base are designed to showcase the aromas and flavors of the cocktail.

When selecting an Old Fashioned glass, consider the following factors:

Size and Capacity

An Old Fashioned glass typically has a capacity of 8 to 12 ounces. This size allows ample space for the whiskey, ice, and any additional ingredients or garnishes. The wide rim of the glass also provides room for swirling and enjoying the aromas as you sip.

Thick Base

The thick base of an Old Fashioned glass not only adds stability to the vessel but also helps to maintain the temperature of the cocktail. The thickness of the glass prevents the heat from your hand from quickly warming the drink, allowing you to savor the flavors at their intended temperature.


Opt for a glass that is clear and transparent, allowing you to appreciate the rich color of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The visual appeal of the cocktail can be as enticing as its taste, and a clear glass showcases the beautiful amber hue of the whiskey and any garnishes.

The Impact of Ice

Ice is an essential element in the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, as it contributes to the overall taste, mouthfeel, and temperature of the cocktail. The right ice can enhance the flavors and ensure a well-balanced drinking experience. Here are a few considerations when it comes to using ice:

Quality and Clarity

Using high-quality ice is crucial to prevent dilution and ensure a visually appealing cocktail. Clear, dense ice cubes made from filtered or purified water are preferred, as they melt slower and avoid imparting any unwanted flavors to the drink. Avoid using cloudy or irregularly shaped ice cubes, as they can affect the taste and presentation.

Size Matters

The size of the ice cubes can impact the rate of dilutionand the overall drinking experience of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Here are a few options to consider:

Large Ice Cubes

Using large ice cubes, such as 2-inch square or spherical molds, is a popular choice for the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. These larger cubes melt more slowly, resulting in less dilution of the cocktail. The slower melting rate allows you to savor the flavors of the whiskey without compromising the balance of the drink.

Cracked Ice

Cracked or crushed ice can add a touch of elegance and a faster chilling effect to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. This type of ice is often preferred when serving the cocktail in a stemmed glass, as it creates a visually appealing presentation. However, it's important to note that cracked ice melts more quickly, so be mindful of potential dilution.

Ice Balls

Ice balls, also known as whiskey stones or spheres, are another option for chilling your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. These perfectly rounded ice balls offer a visually striking appearance and a slower melting rate. Ice balls are often made using molds that help maintain their shape and minimize dilution. They are particularly suited for those who enjoy sipping their cocktail at a leisurely pace.

Using Ice Molds and Trays

To achieve the desired ice shape for your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, consider using specialty ice molds or trays. These molds can be found in various shapes and sizes, including spheres, cubes, or even custom designs. Experiment with different molds to find the shape that best suits your aesthetic preferences and enhances the drinking experience.

Ice Ball Carving

If you're feeling adventurous, try your hand at ice ball carving. This technique involves using a block of ice and a knife or ice pick to carve a perfect sphere. Ice ball carving adds a touch of artistry to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned and allows you to create a customized ice ball that perfectly fits your glassware.

Extra Tip: Pre-Chilling Glassware

To ensure your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned remains cold throughout the drinking experience, consider pre-chilling your glassware. Simply place the Old Fashioned glass in the freezer for a few minutes before preparing the cocktail. This helps maintain the desired temperature and prevents excessive ice melt during the enjoyment of the drink.

Garnishing Like a Pro

"Elevate the visual appeal and enhance the flavors of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with expert garnishing techniques."

Garnishing is more than just a decorative touch—it is an opportunity to add aromatic and flavor elements to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. A well-chosen garnish can enhance the overall drinking experience and create a sensory delight for both the eyes and the palate. Let's explore some classic and innovative garnishing options to take your cocktail to the next level.

Classic Garnishes

When it comes to garnishing the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, classic options are always a reliable choice. These tried-and-true garnishes not only add visual appeal but also complement the flavors of the cocktail. Here are a few classic garnishing ideas:

Orange Twist

An orange twist is a classic garnish that adds a burst of citrus aroma and a touch of brightness to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. To create an orange twist, use a sharp knife or a citrus peeler to remove a strip of zest from the orange. Express the oils over the cocktail by gently squeezing the twist, then rub the zest along the rim of the glass for an extra aromatic experience.


A cherry is a timeless garnish that brings a pop of color and a hint of sweetness to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Maraschino cherries, with their vibrant red hue and syrupy texture, are a popular choice. Alternatively, you can opt for fresh cherries or even soak them in a flavored syrup to add an extra layer of complexity to the cocktail.

Lemon Twist

If you prefer a slightly tangy twist, consider garnishing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with a lemon peel. Similar to the orange twist, use a sharp knife or a citrus peeler to remove a strip of zest from the lemon. The lemon oils will add a refreshing aroma and a subtle citrus note to your cocktail.

Exploring Unique Garnishes

For those looking to add a creative twist to their Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, exploring unique garnishing options can be a delightful endeavor. These innovative garnishes can introduce unexpected flavors and textures, elevating the cocktail to new heights. Here are a few ideas to inspire your creativity:

Herb Sprig

A sprig of fresh herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or mint, can provide a fragrant and herbal twist to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Placing a trimmed herb sprig in the glass not only adds visual appeal but also infuses the cocktail with subtle aromatic notes. Give the herb a gentle clap between your hands before placing it in the glass to release its oils and enhance the fragrance.

Spiced Rim

Add a touch of spice to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned by rimming the glass with a mixture of sugar and spices. Create your own spice blend by combining ingredients such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or even chili powder. Wet the rim of the glass with a lemon or orange wedge, then dip it into the spiced sugar mixture for a flavorful and visually striking garnish.

Fruit Skewer

For a playful and colorful garnish, consider skewering bite-sized fruit pieces and resting the skewer on the rim of the glass. Use fruits that complement the flavors of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, such as orange segments, cherry tomatoes, or berries. This garnish not only adds a vibrant visual element but also provides a refreshing and fruity accompaniment to the cocktail.

Candied Bacon

If you're feeling adventurous and craving a unique combination of smoky and sweet flavors, try garnishing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with a piece of candied bacon. The crispy and caramelized bacon adds a savory note that beautifully contrasts with the sweetness of the cocktail. Simply cook bacon until crispy, brush it with maple syrup, and bake until caramelized. Place a piece of candied bacon on a cocktail pick and rest it across the glass for a show-stopping garnish.

Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned Variations

"Explore exciting variations of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned to expand your cocktail repertoire."

While the classic Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned is a beloved cocktail in its own right, there is room for experimentation and creativity. By incorporating additional ingredients or introducing new flavor profiles, you can create variations that showcase the versatility of the cocktail. Here are a few exciting Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned variations to inspire your mixology adventures:

Smoky Maple Old Fashioned

Add a smoky twist to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned by incorporating maple syrup and a hint of smoky flavor. Replace the sugar cube with a teaspoon or two of maple syrup, and use a smoky bourbon or peated whiskey in place of the traditional Suntory whiskey. The result is a rich and indulgent cocktail with a touch of sweetness and a warm, smoky finish.

Spiced Apple Cider Old Fashioned

Embrace the flavors of autumn by infusing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with spiced apple cider. Muddle a slice of apple along with the sugar and bitters, then add the Suntory whiskey and a splash of apple cider. Stir well and strain into your Old Fashioned glass. This variation brings a delightful combination of cozy spices and crisp apple notes to the cocktail.

Ginger and Honey Old Fashioned

For a refreshing and zesty twist on the classic Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, infuse the cocktail with the flavors of ginger and honey. Muddle a few slices of fresh ginger along with the sugar and bitters. Add the Suntory whiskey and a drizzle of honey, then stir well to combine. Strain into your glass and garnish with a ginger slice. This variation offers a harmonious blend of spiciness and sweetness.

Chocolate and Cherry Old Fashioned

Indulge your sweet tooth with a luxurious Chocolate and Cherry Old Fashioned variation. Muddle a cherry or two along with the sugar and bitters. Add the Suntory whiskey and a splash of chocolate liqueur. Stir well and strain into your glass. Garnish with a cherry and a sprinkle of grated dark chocolate. This decadent twist on the classic cocktail brings together the richness of chocolate and the sweetness of cherries.

Matcha Green Tea Old Fashioned

Showcase the elegance of Japanese flavors by infusing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with matcha green tea. Begin by preparing a matcha syrup by whisking together matcha powder and simple syrup until well combined. Muddle a sugar cube with the matcha syrup and bitters, then add the Suntory whiskey and stir until mixed. Strain into your glass and garnish with a dusting of matcha powder. This unique variation brings a subtle earthiness and a vibrant green hue to the classic cocktail.

Coconut and Pineapple Old Fashioned

Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with a Coconut and Pineapple Old Fashioned variation. Muddle a few pineapple chunks with the sugar and bitters, then add the Suntory whiskey and a splash of coconut water or coconut rum. Stir well and strain into your glass. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or a fresh coconut slice for a refreshing and exotic twist on the traditional recipe.

Blackberry and Sage Old Fashioned

Embrace the flavors of the season with a Blackberry and Sage Old Fashioned variation. Muddle a few blackberries with the sugar and bitters, then add the Suntory whiskey and a few fresh sage leaves. Stir well and strain into your glass. Garnish with a blackberry skewer and a sprig of sage for a cocktail that balances the sweetness of the berries with the herbal notes of sage.

Spicy Jalapeno Old Fashioned

Add a fiery kick to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with a Spicy Jalapeno variation. Muddle a few slices of jalapeno pepper with the sugar and bitters, then add the Suntory whiskey and stir well. Strain into your glass and garnish with a jalapeno slice. This variation brings a bold and spicy flavor profile that perfectly complements the richness of the whiskey.

Experimenting with Your Own Variations

Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with your own variations of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Consider incorporating different fruits, herbs, spices, or even infusions to add your personal touch. Keep in mind the balance of flavors and aim to enhance the complexity of the cocktail while maintaining the essence of the classic recipe. With a bit of imagination and exploration, the possibilities are endless.

Pairing the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned

"Discover delightful food pairings that complement the flavors of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

Pairing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with the right food can elevate your cocktail experience to new heights. The rich and complex flavors of the cocktail can be enhanced or contrasted by carefully selected food pairings. Whether you prefer savory snacks or sweet treats, here are some inspired pairing ideas to tantalize your taste buds:

Charcuterie and Cheese

A classic pairing for the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned is a well-curated charcuterie and cheese board. The smoky and savory notes of cured meats, such as prosciutto or salami, complement the richness of the whiskey. Pair them with a selection of aged cheeses, such as cheddar or gouda, for a combination that balances the flavors and textures of the cocktail.

Dark Chocolate

Indulge your sweet tooth by pairing your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned with high-quality dark chocolate. The slight bitterness of the chocolate beautifully contrasts with the sweetness of the cocktail, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. Opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage to match the richness of the whiskey.

Grilled Steak

For a more substantial pairing, consider serving your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned alongside a perfectly grilled steak. The robust flavors of the steak complement the complexity of the cocktail, creating a luxurious and satisfying combination. Choose a cut of steak that pairs well with whiskey, such as ribeye or New York strip, and season it with a sprinkle of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper for a mouthwatering experience.

Smoked Salmon Canapés

For an elegant and flavorful pairing, serve smoked salmon canapés with your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The rich and smoky flavors of the salmon harmonize beautifully with the whiskey, creating a sophisticated and indulgent combination. Spread cream cheese on a slice of toasted baguette or a crisp cracker, top it with a slice of smoked salmon, and garnish with fresh dill or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Spiced Nuts

For a simple yet satisfying pairing, serve a bowl of spiced nuts alongside your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. The crunchy texture and savory flavors of the nuts provide a delightful contrast to the smoothness and sweetness of the cocktail. Consider roasting mixed nuts with a blend of spices such as cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and cumin for an added layer of complexity.

Caramelized Bacon Bites

For a savory and indulgent pairing, create caramelized bacon bites to accompany your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Cook thick-cut bacon until crispy, then brush it with a mixture of brown sugar and maple syrup and bake until caramelized. The combination of smoky, sweet, and salty flavors will perfectly complement the richness of the whiskey, creating a mouthwatering experience.

Tips and Tricks for Perfecting Your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned

"Unlock the secrets to mastering the art of the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned."

To truly perfect your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, it's essential to go beyond the basics and explore advanced techniques and expert tips. Here are some valuable insights that will elevate your cocktail game and help you impress your guests:

Experiment with Different Bitters

While Angostura bitters are a classic choice for the Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, don't be afraid to experiment with different bitters flavors. Orange bitters, for example, can add a bright and citrusy twist, while aromatic bitters can introduce a complex and herbal note. Build a collection of bitters and explore the unique flavors they bring to your cocktail.

Try Different Sweeteners

While the traditional recipe calls for sugar cubes or simple syrup, consider trying alternative sweeteners to add depth and complexity to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. Agave syrup, honey, or even flavored syrups can introduce new dimensions of sweetness and enhance the overall flavor profile. Experiment with different sweeteners to find your preferred level of sweetness.

Adjust the Whiskey-to-Water Ratio

The ratio of whiskey to water significantly impacts the strength and flavor profile of your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. If you prefer a stronger and more robust cocktail, reduce the amount of water or eliminate it altogether. On the other hand, if you prefer a milder and more approachable drink, increase the amount of water to dilute the whiskey slightly. Find the balance that suits your taste preferences.

Invest in Quality Glassware

The glassware you use to serve your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned can greatly enhance the overall experience. Invest in high-quality glassware that showcases the cocktail's aromas and allows you to appreciate its color and clarity. Crystal or lead-free glass options are ideal, as they offer excellent clarity and durability.

Experiment with Age Statements

When selecting a Suntory whiskey for your Old Fashioned, consider exploring different age statements. Age statements indicate the number of years the whiskey has been matured, and each age statement brings its own unique characteristics. Younger whiskeys often have vibrant and fruity flavors, while older whiskeys develop deeper and more complex profiles. Experiment with different age statements to find your preferred flavor profile.

Take Time to Stir

When stirring your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned, take your time and be deliberate in your actions. Stirring allows the ingredients to blend and marry together, resulting in a well-balanced and harmonious cocktail. Aim for a gentle and consistent stirring motion, ensuring that all the flavors meld together seamlessly. Patience and attention to detail will yield exceptional results.

Experiment with Smoke

For a touch of theatricality and complexity, consider experimenting with smoke in your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned. You can use a smoking gun or a smoking box to infuse the cocktail with aromatic smoke, adding another layer of flavor and intrigue. Experiment with different wood chips, such as applewood or hickory, to achieve the desired smoky profile.

Personalize Your Garnish

While classic garnishes like orange twists or cherries are always reliable choices, don't be afraid to personalize your garnish to reflect your own taste preferences and creativity. Consider using unique ingredients, such as edible flowers, herb sprigs, or even dehydrated fruit, to add a visually striking and distinctive touch to your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned.

By applying these tips and tricks, you can elevate your Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned to new heights and create a cocktail experience that is truly exceptional. Remember, the key is to experiment, explore, and enjoy the process of perfecting your favorite whiskey cocktail.

Related video of Suntory Whiskey Old Fashioned: A Detailed Guide to the Classic Cocktail